Welcome to what I like to think of as The Definitive Guide to a
Lawrence Welk Christmas. Without question, Lawrence Welk was one
of the 20th century's most successful pop icons, and there is no
shortage of information to be found online and in various
libraries about his life, his career, and his family. Yet, while
there are also numerous online resources dedicated to Christmas,
we've found very little online dedicated to the love of Christmas
shared by Lawrence Welk, his musical family, and his millions of
faithful fans. If you love Lawrence Welk and Christmas, we hope
you'll enjoy exploring our site.
Why do all this?
Well, without going into
great detail, I was born to two parents who listened to nothing
but classical music. Fortunately, I had older siblings who
introduced me to the joys of rock and roll.
So you see, the link to Lawrence Welk is perfectly obvious! OK,
that's not true. It took marrying a cheesehead from Wisconsin
before I ever actually heard any Lawrence Welk music. Sure, I knew
who he was, I had heard the jokes, and so on and so forth. But
until the first Christmas that we were dating, when the woman I
now call my wife played a Lawrence Welk Christmas tape for me, I
really hadn't heard any of his music.
My wife married me not because I asked, "Will you marry
me?" She married me because, in the second Christmas season
we were dating, I asked, "Can we listen to Lawrence Welk?"
She was mine.
Fast forward to November, 2003. Being the completist that I am,
I was consumed with two questions: 1) Did I possess every
Christmas song ever recorded by America's Music Man? and 2) Are
the versions on recent CD releases the same as those on the LPs I
managed to dig up at used record stores? Even with the Web at my
fingertips, finding definitive answers to these questions was, and
continues to be, a difficult task. I created this web site not
only to chart my own progress but also in hopes that the next person to come along who's as crazy as I am
will have an easier time of it.
Enjoy, and Merry Christmas!
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